


(Why are you here?)

There was nothing aimless about it after all。 He had been drawn to Room 217 by

a morbid kind of curiosity。 He remembered a story Daddy had read to him once

when he was drunk。 That had been a long time ago; but the story was just as

vivid now as when Daddy had read it to him。 Mommy had scolded Daddy and asked

what he was doing; reading a three…year…old baby something so horrible。 The name

of the story was Bluebeard。 That was clear in his mind too; because he had

thought at first Daddy was saying Bluebird; and there were no bluebirds in the

story; or birds of any kind for that matter。 Actually the story was about

Bluebeards wife; a pretty lady that had corn…colored hair like Mommy。 After

Bluebeard married her; they lived in a big and ominous castle that was not

unlike the Overlook。 And every day Bluebeard went off to work and every day he

would tell his pretty little wife not to look in a certain room; although the

key to that room was hanging right on a hook; just like the passkey was hanging

on the office wall downstairs。 Bluebeards wife had gotten more and more curious

about the locked room。 She tried to peep through the keyhole the way Danny had

tried to look through Room 217s peephole with similar unsatisfying results。

There was even a picture of her getting down on her knees and trying to look

under the door; but the crack wasnt wide enough。 The door swung wide and 。。。

The old fairy tale book had depicted her discovery in ghastly; loving detail。

The image was burned on Dannys mind。 The severed heads of Bluebeards seven

previous wives were in the room; each one on its own pedestal; the eyes turned

up to whites; the mouths unhinged and gaping in silent screams。 They were

somehow balanced on necks ragged from the broadswords decapitating swing; and

there was blood running down the pedestals。

Terrified; she had turned to flee from the room and the castle; only to

discover Bluebeard standing in the doorway; his terrible eyes blazing。 〃I told

you not to enter this room;〃 Bluebeard said; unsheathing his sword。 〃Alas; in

your curiosity you are like the other seven; and though I loved you best of all

your ending shall be as was theirs。 Prepare to die; wretched woman!〃

It seemed vaguely to Danny that the story had bad a happy ending; but that had

paled to insignificance beside the two dominant images: the taunting; maddening

locked door with some great secret behind it; and the grisly secret itself;

repeated more than half a dozen times。 The locked door and behind it the heads;

the severed beads。

His hand reached out and stroked the rooms doorknob; almost furtively。 He had

no idea how long be had been here; standing hypnotized before the bland gray

locked door。

(And maybe three times Ive thought Ive seen things 。。。 nasty things 。。。)

But Mr。 Hallorann — Dick — had also said he didnt think those things could hurt

圣地系列:十字墓园  历史的空白处  末世佣兵系统  乱世帝王  有尸无还  安德的影子  末世之猎食禁止 作者:璃九笙  左 青 石  入殓师灵异录  雷神之祖  铁血征程  不为人知:潮汕民间灵异怪谈  一代媚后乱君心  北斗推理剧场  璞玉惊华  天师执位Ⅱ_7 双劫 下  穿越之公主至尊  偷不走的宝石  秦亡新论  家有匪婆 完结  


















