


party。 I kind of decided at the last minute and really want to be great; but I am with

little time。

The two girls were speechless。 Then began to screech together。

… Oh my God! Vai to be the best party of all! Do not worry; we will get there quickly。

And here。

Serena came to the door using a pair of red velvet and a Juicy Couture camisetinha with a

picture of a snowman。

… Oh; my God; youre so tanned exultou Isabel; kissing her on the face。

… You emagreceu? … Kati said; kissing her too。

As Serena needed weight。

The eternal gracious host; Serena took them to the living room of the familys huge

apartment in Fifth Avenue overlooking the Metropolitan Museum of Art her parents were to

spend the holidays and Ridgefield brother was in Boston; with friends of college; then

Serena had an apartment just for her。

Had already placed several blank sheets of paper in the huge coffee table with glass top and

writing them headers: Local。 Drink  Food。 Music  Sound。 Theme  Decoration  Lighting。

Invitations。 List of Guests。 She became the sheets of paper for Kati and Isabel。

See how Serena knew delegate?

… You were the organizing mittee of the party in Boca Kiss in October; is not it?

They are based。

… Great。 Can call the same buffet and decorator that same party?

… Of course! … Isabel bent for the stock market looking for PalmPilot。

… And we need to find a legal DJ … Serena instructed。

Kati seemed confused。

… It is not the 45 that will play?

Serena blinked。 I had no idea where Flow would spend the New Year; but was not sure that he

wanted to stay in pursuing his own party。

… No; actually he is busy writing the new disc … she lied。 … A DJ is better anyway。 More


The two girls seemed disappointed。

… I thought we could use this list of guests of the ball Black…and…White … Serena continued;

taking another stack of paper in the coffee table。 … Of course I can add who you want。

… Flow is at least?

Serena faltered。 If that was not going to say; Kati and Isabel probably start to spread

rumors again; about the engagement of Serena and Flow was over and blah blah blah。 And it

could be an elegant gesture send an invitation to the house of Flow in Malibu; especially

after it left the parrot in reception of the resort in St。 Barts and returned to New York on

the morning of Christmas; without seeing him again。 It was as if he really was the party


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